I'll be cutting side-by-side with you during the hands-on portion. I’ll be explaining not just the "HOWs" but also the "WHYs" behind each step. Here, you'll get to see how I apply theory in cutting my clients’ hair.
Apply theory yourself! :) After I finish and explain a portion of the haircut, you will do the same on your mannequin. Hearing and seeing Theory helps, but I believe that applying theory yourself will help you even more. I'll be going around to assist you, give your tips and answer questions.
Tools to bring:
- Uncut mannequin head with medium length hair
- Tripod (no clamps please)
- Scissors
- Cutting comb
- 4 Clips
- Water bottle
- Pen
9:00 am - 12:00 pm - Visual Theory
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm - Break
12:30 pm- 3:00 pm - Hands-on
To keep ticket prices low and more accessible to everyone, lunch will not be provided. During the break, you can leave, eat somewhere and come back. I personally like to stay and bring a packed lunch that doesn’t require refrigeration or heating. I you’d like to stay and hangout with me while I eat and set up for hands-on, I’d looove that! :)
Shannel Mariano
Instagram: @shannelmariano