Book with Natasha:



Natasha fell in love with hair and makeup when she discovered how to portray her own inner beauty for others to see. 

She's a stylist who is passionate about doing the same for her guests. She strives to create a look that represents you, feels right, and shows who you are and how you feel as an individual. She does not believe beauty has rules. but believes it is an art of self expression.  

She graduated from Marinello School of Beauty and has furthered her education with extensive advanced training classes. She's licensed in cutting design, handcrafted color, trend styles, makeup and is also certified in hair extensions. 

Natasha specializes in fashion color melts, balayage and makeup. 

"My love for this industry goes further than just my skill set. I’m all about building relationships, educating my clients and providing a great service."

Book your appointment with Natasha and discover your hair, handcrafted.