Pony Education Featuring Debi Alley at Mint Salon

Guest Artist Debi Alley

HANDS-ON CUTTING Bootcamp (With Look and Learn Option)

August 13 2023

$550.00 FEE (hands-on)

$100.00 fee (look and learn)

Cutting Bootcamp

Limited seats available.

Buy Tickets Now

For over 20 years Debi has been dedicated to the art of hairdressing, as a stylist, educator and a mentor to future hairdressers.

Debi started her career with Vidal Sassoon where she spent 10 years as a stylist, educator, and assistant manager.  The next 14 years of her career were devoted diPietro Todd Salons + Academy where she wore many hats. As the director of haircutting education, working in the creative office organizing projects and maintaining the salon’s and school’s social media, interviewing and hiring new talent, as well as working at dPT’s multiple locations and maintaining a loyal clientele at each.

Debi is known for both creative and technical haircutting; her favorites are classic bobs and soft razor shapes.  Her clients know they can count on Debi’s attention to detail for a haircut that looks good from day one and grows out gracefully. Her belief that hair is our unique expression of individuality and her love for people have combined to turn hairstyling into an artistic and gratifying career for Debi.

Razor Basics and Hands-on With Justin Kamm

Guest Artist Justin Kamm

HANDS-ON CUTTING and Razor basics

April 30 2023


$250.00 FEE

In this class you will learn razor fundamentals and techniques relevant to two signature haircuts. Students will be provided Cult + King Shou Sugi Ban razors and doll heads to preform their own versions of the signature cuts. Razors and products will be available for purchase.

Limited seats available.

Email info@mintsalonlodi.com to reserve your spot.

Justin has been a licensed professional working behind the chair since 2005. He specializes in haircutting, and has advanced training in haircutting techniques. His focus over the past decade has been straight razor haircutting.

Justin has 14+ years in the business, full time behind the chair. He has always made time to educate himself which allows him to provide the most comprehensive education to his students.

Hair Happening at Mint Salon!


$15.00 TICKETS ($20.00 at the door)

February 1, 2020

Mint Salon will be hosting a collaborative evening of building community, sharing creative ideas and supporting our craft. This is an event that is as much about building professional relationships , supporting one another, and working together to elevate our craft as it is about learning new techniques and taking home fresh ideas to use behind the chair.

Stylists from Mint Salon and Uniqo Salon in Stockton will be presenting a variety of cutting, coloring and styling techniques from 6-9pm. The intimate and informal format will allow you to peruse the salon space and focus on the presentation or conversation that interests you most in the moment.

Limited tickets are available and include refreshments, munchies and a goodie bag from Cult+ King and Davines to take home.

Purchase your ticket for the opportunity to meet your fellow creatives and be a foundational part of the Hair Happening movement!


Federico Advanced brings tHairapy to Mint Salon!



Come join us for an evening of networking and inspiration from some of the industry’s best trained hair cutters. Adam and Nick travel the world perfecting their craft and we are lucky enough to have them come share their knowledge and passion for hair.

A night of live model demonstrations, the purpose of tHairapy is to inspire and inform while elevating the level of craftsmanship within our community of professionals. Presented by Adam Federico, in conjunction with occasional guest artists, tHairapy takes place Monday evenings and include live-model demonstrations.

Hanzo was a hit and we’re doing it again!

Hattori Hanzo presents the Precision bob with Cole Thompson

The success and wonderful turnout for our first Hattori Hanzo class has inspired us to host another.

Master hair cutter Cole Thompson will be joining us at Mint Salon on May 13 from 6pm-8pm for a precision bob class. @_cole_thompson

International Creative Director, and founder of Elevation H, Cole Thompson is originally from Manchester, England and has been active in the hair industry since 2000. Cole’s passion for educating is evident in his work as he continues to help others strive for excellence in all areas of the industry.

$25 Entrance Fee

New Year, New Education!

As we prepare to celebrate the holidays with family and friends we are also preparing to ring in the new year with some stellar education!

Our education calendar in January and February 2019 is packed with some super inspiring classes that are open to other stylists and students.

January 7th, 6pm-8pm - Women’s Precision Cutting with Hattori Hanzo and Sarah Serbic of Geometry Salon


This class will focus on a medium to long women’s hair cut with layers as well as all you need to know about Hanzo scissors and how to choose the right tool for the job.

POSTPONED to March 11th, 6:30pm

tHairapy with Adam Federico and Nick Shockey from Federico Advanced


Come join us for an evening of networking and inspiration from some of the industry’s best trained hair cutters. Adam and Nick travel the world perfecting their craft and we are lucky enough to have them come share their knowledge and passion for hair.

“At Federico Advanced we work collaboratively and forgo competition, which makes us an all-inclusive brand. Federico Advanced is pulling community strings to unite hairdressers, and elevate our craft. From the world-renowned team, ZGAT, to United St…

“At Federico Advanced we work collaboratively and forgo competition, which makes us an all-inclusive brand. Federico Advanced is pulling community strings to unite hairdressers, and elevate our craft. From the world-renowned team, ZGAT, to United States-based haircutting phenom, Traci Sakosits, we’re bringing you the very best education that the industry has to offer. We’re doing it all for the love of the craft!

A night of live model demonstrations, the purpose of tHairapy is to inspire and inform while elevating the level of craftsmanship within our community of professionals.

ADAM FEDERICO is a dynamic and forward thinking innovator. He fuels his imagination with inspiration from raw, minimalistic design, natural elements and the juxtapositions found within each. Adam believes in working with the organic movement of the hair and employs a free flowing, yet structured technique to his craft.”

January 28th, 4pm-6pm - Hot Heads Extension Class


An Hot Heads educator from Beauty Solutions will be sharing all the tips and tricks of Hot Heads Extensions, Pricing, Color Matching, Installation, Blending, Maintenance and Removal will all be covered in this 2 hour class.

We are looking forward to creating a network of like- minded hairstylists who value education, cherish the creative process and are committed to collaboration. We are passionate about elevating the hair game in this area through education so spread the word and we’ll see you soon!

If you have further questions regarding our class calendar or have suggestions of educators or classes you’d like to see at Mint Salon please contact us directly by filling out the form below.

It's Official

Shannel Mariano is coming to Mint Salon!!

It’s official! Thanks to the support of our friends and colleagues we have filled the 15 seats necessary to lock in Shannel’s class February 18th. We still have just a few spaces left so if you’d like to attend you can purchase tickets at the following link:


password: mintsalon

We look forward to hosting Shannel and seeing you all there!

For a little bit about Shannel and her education visit her website at www.shannelmariano.com

Shannel Mariano - Visual Theory and Hands-On Cutting

We, at Mint Salon are working hard to bring more advanced education for Hairstylists to the Central Valley. We had great success with our recent color class with Caitlin Senna and look forward to many more classes to come.

We are pleased to announce Shannel Mariano is coming to Mint Salon to teach a Visual Theory and Hands-on Cutting Class. This class is open to anyone who would like to participate (max 20 tickets). In order to keep our selected date of February 18th 9am-3pm we need 15 participants by Nov. 25th. This is an excellent opportunity to bring top notch education to our area and we hope to easily fill the 15 seats.

Purchase tickets at www.shannelatmintsalon.eventbrite.com Password: mintsalon

Shannel breaks down haircutting theory with visual references and leaves you with an understanding of haircutting so you can take your new knowledge behind the chair and get creative to personalize a cut for your client.

Details are below:

We won’t just learn one cool hair cut or two. I want you to learn and be able to design and create ANY haircut that will best suit your client’s face shape, head shape, hair type, and lifestyle. ✂️ Here’s what the class will look like...


The class will start out with a theory portion with lots and lots of visual aids to help you understand it more. I don’t want you to memorize theory, I want you to understand it. Why does elevating to 90 degrees remove weight? Why does elevating to 45 degrees build weight? We’ll use lots and lots of visuals to learn together.

visual aids.jpg


I'll be cutting side-by-side with you during the hands-on portion. I’ll be explaining not just the "HOWs" but also the "WHYs" behind each step. Here, you'll get to see how I apply theory in cutting my clients’ hair.


Apply theory yourself! :) After I finish and explain a portion of the haircut, you will do the same on your mannequin. Hearing and seeing Theory helps, but I believe that applying theory yourself will help you even more. I'll be going around to assist you, give your tips and answer questions.

Tools to bring:

- Uncut mannequin head with medium length hair

- Tripod (no clamps please)

- Scissors

- Cutting comb

- 4 Clips

- Water bottle

- Pen


9:00 am - 12:00 pm - Visual Theory

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm - Break

12:30 pm- 3:00 pm - Hands-on


To keep ticket prices low and more accessible to everyone, lunch will not be provided. During the break, you can leave, eat somewhere and come back. I personally like to stay and bring a packed lunch that doesn’t require refrigeration or heating. I you’d like to stay and hangout with me while I eat and set up for hands-on, I’d looove that! :)

Shannel Mariano

Website: www.shannelmariano.com

Instagram: @shannelmariano

Facebook: facebook.com/shannelmariano


Purchase tickets at:


Password: mintsalon

Education is coming!

We have been neglecting our news feed because we have been so busy with bringing the salon to life! We are so close to being ready and welcoming everyone to our new space. 

Behind the scenes, however, I have been working hard to bring advanced education for stylists to Lodi. We have a number of classes scheduled in-house and in November we will be opening our doors to any licensed stylists looking to be inspired and continue their education in color.

Caitlin Senna will be sharing some advanced color techniques and theory with us Monday November 5th from 9:30am-1pm. Spaces are limited and tickets are only $25 so they will go quickly. The tickets can be purchased at the link below*.

Advanced Color Demo and Discussion With Caitlin Senna tickets.

caitlin senna.jpg

Caitlin is an extremely talented artist, educator and Stylist from AJF Salon in Sacramento. She has worked with many industry greats including Zgat in Croatia. Check her out on Instagram @caitlinsenna

We welcome any stylists to attend who are passionate about education and supporting one another in our constant evolution as hair stylists. 

The vision for Mint Salon has always included sharing education with fellow stylists and supporting one another in an ever-changing, fashion-focused industry. We hope that through education we can unite our community of stylists and elevate our industry reputation in the Central Valley. 

*Must be a licensed stylist to attend classes

Signs of things to come

Maybe it's just me but the installation of our signs this week has been a huge milestone in our renovation of the space. It somehow makes it all really real and has given me a renewed vigor and motivation to get all the final details organized and ironed out. 

Our canvas sign that faces Lodi Ave. went in at the end of last week, our hand painted exterior sign by M&M Signs and Graphics was finished yesterday and our window vinyl by M2 Promotions was installed today!

Canvas awning sign

Canvas awning sign

Painted sign on west side of the building by M & M Signs and Graphics.

Painted sign on west side of the building by M & M Signs and Graphics.

New window decals from M2 Promotions

New window decals from M2 Promotions


These three signs are small potatoes compared to the construction that's going on behind the plastic on our windows but there's something about it that just feels good and makes me proud and ready to take ownership of and responsibility for the space and the brand we are building.  

I am anticipating feeling the same way but amplified when we are finally ready to open our doors and share our space with everyone! 

- Lindsey

What's In a Name?

The short answer...everything!

Let me start by giving you a little background into why we wanted to take on salon ownership in the first place. It's not for notoriety or recognition or even to make money. The desire to take on this responsibility comes from a genuine desire to do something different and provide a unique and tailored experience for hairstylists and clients in Lodi and the surrounding area. We want to be THE home for Lodi's best and most educated stylists and THE go-to salon for clients who want quality services and a luxury experience. That is why we have chosen to open Mint Salon. 

We named the salon and designed our space and our brand to reflect these ideals. 

Mint Salon logo and brand design.

Mint Salon logo and brand design.

I get asked a lot why I named the salon Mint. Simply, because of the various meaning tied to the word and how they relate to the craft of hairdressing.



  • We "manufacture" passionate, skilled, educated stylists. We "produce" delighted clients with fabulous handcrafted hair.
  • Our space is open, clean, pristine and timeless. When our clients leave Mint Salon they will not only look like a million bucks but feel refreshed, renewed and well cared for.
  • Your stylist will create, fabricate and invent a cut, color and/or style customized for you and only you each time you visit Mint Salon.

In a nutshell, visit Mint Salon, relax in our space, enjoy a glass of wine or beer and you and your stylist will come up with a customized plan of action to achieve your hair goals.

Get ready to discover your hair, handcrafted!


Custom Furniture Update

As you may know, instead of picking furniture off the floor or website of some beauty supply store, we've decided to partner with a friend (Ryan Schuppert) who builds amazing things out of steel. He started with custom motorcycles and since has branched out to include custom artwork, winches and our favorite...furniture!

Front desk sign.

Front desk sign.

Ryan's business, Cannonball Metal Works, is a small one out of Redding and everything is built by hand either by Ryan himself or one of his craftsman buddies. Mint Salon has tasked Ryan with building our 13 custom stations, a table for clients to sit and relax while their color processes, retail shelving and a show-stopper of a front desk. It's no small task considering even the drawer pulls he's designing are custom!

Custom station frames and front desk sign ready for powdercoat.

Custom station frames and front desk sign ready for powdercoat.


We have been getting steady updates from Ryan on his progress with our custom furniture and with each photo we get more excited to see the final product! 

Steel mirror frames ready for wood trim and mirrors.

Steel mirror frames ready for wood trim and mirrors.

Wood trim for mirrors.

Wood trim for mirrors.

Custom drawer pulls.

Custom drawer pulls.

Custom processing and product table in progress.

Custom processing and product table in progress.

Construction Begins!

Hello! I've been getting a lot of questions about the progress of Mint Salon so I have decided to add a news page to our website. This will be a great way I can share our progress and adventures in construction and design with all of you as well as specials and promotions or events once we are open.

It's been a long road working with an Architect and team of Engineers to get our site plan finalized and approved by the city but we finally have our construction permit in hand! The best way to describe my current mood is Yee Haaawww!

Plans and permits ready to rock and roll!

Plans and permits ready to rock and roll!

Now we are ready to embark on the great adventure that is construction. We have an excellent team of contractors assembled to help us achieve our vision. We will be re-configuring the space into a large entry/retail/waiting area, open salon work area, large break-room/color dispensary and relaxing shampoo area. 

A loose rendition of the new salon floor plan.

A loose rendition of the new salon floor plan.

Mint Salon before we start the remodel.

Mint Salon before we start the remodel.

I cannot tell you how excited we are to start work and see this space transition into the beautiful, relaxing space we have imagined. The transformation will be dramatic so stay tuned for our progress. 

Waisting no time! First wall demo has begun.

Waisting no time! First wall demo has begun.